Q: Please tell me about yourself.
A: I am Nagisa, the former representative of Climate Youth Japan. In 2012, I attended in COP18 and it was my first time to be involved with world youth climate activities. Trough the experience of COP, I found that we have the great potential and plenty of chances to take action for our future. On the other hand, I also felt that the presence of Japanese youths was a little weaker compared to others, which is why I decided to be a part of climate activism. Now, I’m studying international studies at the University of Tokyo as a master student and working on some climate-related research projects such as climate-induced migration in Pacific islands and climate risk insurance in Southeast Asia. Due to climate change, the frequency and intensity of natural disaster are supposed to be increasing, which leads to serious impacts on vulnerable communities in developing regions. Keeping my eyes not only on the global context of climate change but also on people who are affected by climate change is my motto.